Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Creeeeepy! Something that creeps you out

those little albino frogs that people keep in their fishtanks.
they are so gross. i've had many nightmares about them. i have a fishtank and in my dream there's one in there swimming around. i try to get it out but i can't b/c they're suddenly multiplying and hopping out of the tank at me. now i an discriminating b/c their albino, i don't like the other ones either. it's just the white ones are the worst!

ps. i was going to post a picture of one from google, but i couldn't.i was grossed out too much. eeek!

pss. i did find a photo of buddy the frog that was actually very smart. he'd climb up the side of our house at night and sit on the patio light and eat all of the bugs that were drawn to it. a very smart frog. i was not afraid of him so much, he never tried to jump at me once.

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